Demi Lovato mulled over quitting showbiz post rehab stint
Washington, Feb 29 : Demi Lovato considered quitting the entertainment business following her stint in rehab.
The 19-year-old had sought professional help for bulimia and self-harm after punching one of the Jonas Brothers' dancers while she was on tour with the band.
But after completing three months as an inpatient at a facility in Illinois, the former Disney star admits she had considered turning her back on the industry for good.
"I thought: 'I'm exhausted, people don't understand and so many people are being negative towards me'. It's hard," Contactmusic quoted her as telling Metro.
"There are so many pressures that are put on to you when you're in this industry. But I love doing it, I love singing, I don't want to give that up just because the going gets tough," she said.
She has since bounced back with her new album 'Unbroken' and a new heart tattoo on her wrist.
"My fans used to draw [hearts] on their wrists every day that I was in treatment. I thought what better way to say thank you than to get one tattooed on my wrist," she said.
"It was incredible to have that support and I wouldn't be in the position I'm in today without them. I look at my wrists every day and I'm very thankful to my fans," she said.
Lovato is also thankful that her own plight has encouraged other teenagers to seek help for their problems.
"They've said I'm an inspiration for helping them deal with their issues, whether that's eating disorders or cutting themselves. I didn't expect that to happen. I just wanted to be a singer. It's taken me on a more meaningful journey," she added. (ANI)
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